M odest
A ttentive
R esponsable
I mpatient
A nxious
N ervous
A mbtious
A ctive
Z any
E nergetic
V ersatile
E xtroverted
D etermined
O utgoing
My name is Mariana Azevedo. I am an extroverted teenager with an energetic personality. I think my friends and my family like me because I am very responsable and determined girl, who is always attentive about things that happen in the world. I am also extremely modest. I am a little ambitious. I am zany and I like to be fashionable. I am a versatile and outgoing person.
I am very impatient and, consequently, nervous. I am also an anxious person. Yes, I know that I am not a perfect girl!
Thursday, 27th September, 2007
Mariana Azevedo, 11ºA , Nº 15
(Trabalho enviado por e-mail pela Professora Natália Couto)
A ttentive
R esponsable
I mpatient
A nxious
N ervous
A mbtious
A ctive
Z any
E nergetic
V ersatile
E xtroverted
D etermined
O utgoing
My name is Mariana Azevedo. I am an extroverted teenager with an energetic personality. I think my friends and my family like me because I am very responsable and determined girl, who is always attentive about things that happen in the world. I am also extremely modest. I am a little ambitious. I am zany and I like to be fashionable. I am a versatile and outgoing person.
I am very impatient and, consequently, nervous. I am also an anxious person. Yes, I know that I am not a perfect girl!
Thursday, 27th September, 2007
Mariana Azevedo, 11ºA , Nº 15
(Trabalho enviado por e-mail pela Professora Natália Couto)