

The night of October 31st is a very special time for witches and ghosts - it`s Hallowe`en. The word is short for "Hallows Evening"- the night before "All Hallows" or "All Saints Day". On that night of the year, ghosts and witches are free to be on Earth.
Well, that`s the traditional story. But these days in Britain, Hallowe`en isn`t really a frightening festival - it`s fun! There are always a lot of parties. People wear masks and costumes. They dress as witches and ghosts or as Dracula or Frankenstein`s monster. Some make special Hallowe`en lamps from a large fruit - the pumpkin.
In America there`s a different tradition on October 31st. It`s called "Trick or Treat". Young children and teenagers dress in Hallowe`en costume and visit their friends` and neighbours` houses. At each house they say "Trick or Treat". Then the friend or neighbour gives them some sweets - a "treat"! Well, that`s the idea. But not everyone gives sweets. Some people refuse and then the "Trick-or-Treaters" play a trick on them.
(Informação cedida pelas professoras da disciplina de Inglês)